Online Personal Trainer - Andy Griffiths

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Setting Realistic Fitness And Exercise Goals

Top Tips For Setting Realistic Fitness And Exercise Goals

One of the biggest hurdles many people face in their fitness journey is staying motivated. Once the initial burst of energy and enthusiasm has passed, the drive to get up at 6am to hit the gym can start to falter. However, one of the most powerful strategies you can use to keep you engaged and determined is to set realistic goals. Here are some top tips. 

Be honest about your starting point

If you announce to the world that you will be running a marathon in three months’ time, despite the fact that you currently do little or no exercise, you are probably setting yourself up to fail. Instead, be honest with yourself about your current fitness level and lifestyle, and design your goals accordingly.

Define your objectives

Instead of telling yourself that you want to lose weight or get fitter, set clear and measurable goals. Be specific, such as ‘be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping in three months’ time.’ This approach helps to prevent burnout from trying to meet overambitious targets, and builds confidence as you achieve smaller and more manageable goals.

Have a support network

Sharing your goals with friends and family can help you to stay on track. They can offer practical advice, emotional support, and the encouragement to keep going when they see the results of what you have already achieved.

If you would like an extra dimension of support and advice to ensure that you remain motivated and accountable to your goals, you may wish to work with an online fitness coach. They will be able to design a personalised workout plan, and offer the benefit of years of experience and expertise. 

Over time, you will build a consistent and rewarding exercise routine that is part of a happy balanced lifestyle.