Online Personal Trainer - Andy Griffiths

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Set Short-Term Goals For Long-Term Gains

Set short-term goals for long-term gains

As we all know, regular exercise is essential for supporting good health and wellbeing, mentally, physically and emotionally. 

Training and the gym can work wonders in all sorts of ways, but it can also be a little on the frustrating side if you feel as though you’re doing all the right things but still aren’t seeing the results you want.

Trusting the process and enjoying the journey is incredibly important, especially when you first start training, as it’s easy to grow despondent and demoralised when you feel as though you’re working really hard and nothing is changing. And this is when you’re most likely to pack it all in and give up!

While, of course, it’s important for you to have your long-term goals in mind, focusing on the short term can really see you achieve your ultimate aims and help you stay on track, no matter what.

Setting short-term goals can help you stay organised and drive you on to succeed, whether that’s something like pledging to train three times a week, increasing your reps or weights in the gym or going for a mile run once a day.

These goals also don’t need to be exercise-oriented in order for you to achieve what you want physically and, in fact, it may be that other areas of your life need greater attention. Ask yourself some hard questions and see if your lifestyle could perhaps be improved upon. 

Perhaps you want to cut down on mid-week drinking… what about swapping out your glass of wine or whisky for a cup of hibiscus tea instead? Or you could pledge to cook something delicious and nutritious every Friday night instead of getting a takeaway.

What is certainly true is that you get out what you put in when it comes to health and fitness, but the journey can be an especially fun and rewarding one where you’ll learn huge amounts about yourself as you go along. Who knows who you’ll be in a year’s time?

Looking for results with personal training? Get in touch with Expert PT today.