The data shows that up to 6-8 sets per muscle group, the gains continue to rise, but beyond, we get hit with a pretty hard plateau – it's clear that more work doesn't always equal more gains, and can even be detrimental.
Strength training involves a range of activities including weightlifting, pilates and planks. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of this exercise for women.
How to target fat loss. In today's article, I’m talking about burning, oxidising, shredding body fat – targeting this, as opposed to shredding both body fat and muscle tissue. I’m also going to cover spot reduction later in this article.
Eating protein isn’t just great for building muscle, it is excellent when you want to shed fat, particularly if you are training hard with your fitness coach.
Carbohydrates: everyone's favourite evening macro. But are those evening carbs – that late-night toast causing you to gain weight? Let's explore this, shall we?
If you’re fed up with your usual sandwiches, your nutrition coach can help you come up with quick and easy lunch ideas that will help you reach your goals.
How to perform a perfect barbell back squat. The back squat is one of the coolest and most effective exercises you can do, and today I'm going to show you how to nail it with the most impeccable technique.