Calorie Calculator

Calorie Calculator

An assessment of energy needs is a vital component in the development and continual evaluation of an effective nutrition plan.

This Calorie Calculator is an invaluable tool to calculate the number of calories you should eat per day, aligned to your age, height, gender, weight, activity levels and (importantly) your weight/fitness goals.

Calorie Calculation Equation

The calorie calculation is based on the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation which was found to be the most accurate calculation of calorie needs in a 2005 study by the Journal of The American Dietetic Association. They found that this equation is more likely than others to estimate within 10% of the true caloric expenditure. It is, therefore, widely accepted as the most reliable calculation of daily calorie requirements.

Calorie Calculator

Calculate Daily Calories

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Daily Calorie Target

Once you have your daily calorie intake target, follow the below steps to integrate them into your daily life:

  1. Use a tracking tool, such as MyFitnessPal or FitBit to input the foods you consume

  2. Target hitting your calorie target each day

  3. Opt for a flexible, non-restrictive eating strategy in order to increase your chances of adherence and to nurture a healthy relationship with food

  4. Ensure you have sufficient protein in your diet; 1.4 to 2 grams per kg of body weight.

  5. Regardless of your goal, you should include regular resistance training alongside your nutrition plan

  6. Regularly track and review your progress and make any changes as needed to ensure you keep progressing on the correct path

Now you know how to fuel your goals and your training, but what about taking this to a whole new level? If you want to fast-track your transformation, take your first step by checking out my Online Personal Training Service.