Having it all
In this modern world we live in, with the pressures of life, work, home, family, friends, pets, work, work, work, (did I mention work?). There are so many priorities floating around, it’s easy to see why many of us find it hard to fit everything in. Something has to give (but not googling cat memes or binge-watching Netflix), and for many of us, that something is our diet and exercise levels.
We feel we have to cut corners somewhere and more often than not, this is the corner that gets snipped away; be that through not exercising, skipping meals or eating fast food too regularly. The benefits of having regular exercise and solid nutrition solidify that this is not something we should omit from our busy lifestyles. Not only from a physical, outward perspective but also your general health and mental well-being, it’ll help you face all those other pressures and priorities reinvigorated and with confidence.
We, quite rightly, want it all and I’m here to tell you that we can have it all, with a few tips and changes to help you achieve it, and of course, it goes without saying, lots of dedication. Nothing worth having comes easy :)
So, let’s break this down, beginning with nutrition.
“I don’t have time to eat healthy food”
Preparation is key
One tip here that will literally change your life, is to bulk prepare food. This could be as simple as prepping breakfast the night before (something like overnight oats which can give you a good hit of carbs and protein), or cooking enough meat and veg to last two meals, right through to actually preparing all of your meals for the week in advance.
This could be a Sunday task where you pre-make and refrigerate or freeze ahead of the week. I alternate between the two and have learned, after several years, that reheating meat in the oven returns the crispness and you’d never know it was pre-cooked :) Cooking bulk healthy rice-based meals, veg-based meals and meat will save you soooo much time in the week. Try it! If you are worried about this cutting into family time, then get the kids involved. Not only is it quality time, but it’s also teaching the little people life skills that they won’t learn from anyone else - pass on good habits!
To save me even more time, I buy pre-cut veg. OK, so it’s more expensive and it generally doesn’t keep as long, but as I pre-make food, it’s all cooked very soon after it’s bought. Any time saved here is time for some of those other life priorities, like binge-watching Cobra Kai on Netflix.
Eating out
So, you’ve had a very busy week, it’s Friday night, you need to do a food shop, or you’ve used all your prepped food or you’ve picked up hungry children who just want to eat now….. You should absolutely go out to eat, that makes total sense. But eating out doesn’t mean you can’t eat right.
Please avoid fast food if you can, if you can’t, then don’t go all out and binge, pay attention to the calorie content and stay away from all the yummy extras like onion rings, cheesy things etc (they literally call my name). Go to a restaurant that makes food using good, fresh ingredients and eat sensibly. Go for lean meats, fish and veg and avoid sweet drinks and alcohol (sorry).
Don’t forget the snacks!
Snacks are not the enemy and can be part of a healthy diet. You are busy at work, maybe already skipped lunch. The key here is avoiding diving for the inevitable chocolate bar or crisps. While you are out shopping for food and while you are prepping your food, be that weekly or the day before, think about that inevitable time where you need a snack and get the right foods in and ready.
Arm yourself with nuts (considering portion size) have a high protein snack to hand, like a boiled egg (your colleagues won’t love you, but your waistline will) or some cooked chicken. These snacks will both fill you up and not spike your blood sugar, leading to a crash later in the day.
Meal prep tips from a personal trainer
Keep things interesting by "cycling" different meals in the week (for example, two days chicken, rice and kidney beans/two days lemon salmon fillet and smashed avocado)
Reheat meat in the oven for the best results, rather than microwaving
Save time where you can, for example using pre cut veg (but weigh up the cost benefit)
In addition to meals, don't forget to meal prep snacks - think fruit, nuts and lean protein
Use a sharp Chef’s knife and decent chopping board for cutting veg and meat in bulk (this will save loads of time!)
Get the kids involved and try to make meal preparation an enjoyable part of the week
Now, onto the next...
“I don’t have time for exercise”
So many of us think and say this, I have in the past, for sure.
How do I fit it in? I hear you ask, well, it’s simple—I get up very early. This isn’t for everyone, it doesn’t suit everyone’s lifestyle. But if you can get up an hour or so earlier, that time you didn’t have to train suddenly appears. And, what better way is there to start your day? You finish your session feeling invigorated and off on the best foot—you are on the right path to eat well and feel great for the rest of the day. Boom. Job done!
Home or Gym?
I am a huge advocate for the gym being THE BEST place for you to exercise in order to reach your goals, progressive overload is hard when you don’t have weights, however, I am also a huge advocate for exercising in a way that works for you. Any exercise is better than no exercise. Some of my clients use resistance bands which allow them to train in their own home, at a time that suits them.
Get up 30 mins early, or workout once the kids are tucked up in bed (hell, even get the kids joining in with you); having suitable equipment at home saves you that journey to the gym time and increases the number of available hours you have per day to train. Running or HIIT / bodyweight exercise are also great time-saving exercises. Ok, so they aren’t going to build you a ton of muscle, but it will keep you in good health and help you to shed fat alongside a calorie-controlled diet.
Out in the open
The mental benefits of a run too….breathing in that fresh air, seeing nature, honestly, I love running. Another of my favourite non-gym based activities is a good old fashioned walk. This is a great one to combine with spending time with friends and family. Putting aside my other passion in life (coffee), walking is the top activity I do with my wife, the little people and when catching up with friends. It’s an integral, constant part of my life and something we do without thinking.
A good walk every day will have a positive impact on your general health and well-being without eating into other quality time on your agenda. Getting your family and friends involved also then benefits them too, again, you are passing good habits to others.
Bring a friend
Another great way to make time to train is to get your best mate, partner, family member, old child (I could go on) into the gym with you. The time you would usually spend watching tv, down the pub for an hour or having a prosecco in the garden can be spent training together.
Exercise can absolutely be a social event, get your family and friends on board and spread the healthy vibe :) There are so many other benefits to this too. Having a gym buddy will increase your chances of adherence, will give you a support function for those days you feel like maybe you can’t do it and there is usually a bit of healthy competition. Meaning you may push yourself that little bit further. All having the opposite effect of indulging in some liquid calories (however enjoyable that may also be!).
Get with the program
Finally, having an efficient exercise program could save you a whole lotta time, always a good thing, right? Do you exercise for long periods and feel like, despite all your hard work, you aren’t making progress? Or do you think that if you did want to get an amazing physique and feel like a million dollars, you would need to train day in day out, for hours at a time?
Honestly, I get so many new clients that work their butts off, but they aren’t training smart or efficiently. Getting yourself a knowledgeable and experienced Personal Trainer could be key to you training smart, not training for hours. I recently shared some great advice on how to find the right Personal Trainer, it’s on my blog, check it out :)
Top tips for making time for exercise
If you find you can't fit it in during the day, try to do your exercise first thing in the morning
Exercise in a way that works for you and where you can best focus, whether that be at the gym, or at home
Find a workable routine and stick to it
Running, HIIT and Bodyweight exercises can be great when time is of the essence
Don’t just stick to the gym, integrate outdoor activities such as running, walking and biking into your routine
Make training into a social occasion, catch up with your friend at the gym instead of the pub
Make sure you are training with efficiency and actively recording your progress
Remember - ANY exercise is better than no exercise
I have a question for you now, do you have time to eat nutritious foods and exercise? Yes!!!!