The data shows that up to 6-8 sets per muscle group, the gains continue to rise, but beyond, we get hit with a pretty hard plateau – it's clear that more work doesn't always equal more gains, and can even be detrimental.
Finding the motivation to keep up with your exercise can be difficult but these tips for a well-rounded healthy lifestyle can help you keep on track....
If you’re anything like me you might have spent/wasted years trying to find that one thing that was going to transform your physique, maybe it was a supplement, a training split or maybe even a cool new way you perform a bicep curl, you tried everything and only seen partial gains…..
A newspaper article recently highlighted some of the top sources of healthy protein, and it’s well worth incorporating these into your diet if you don’t already.
Unless you’re one of my clientele you’ll unlikely know that I have moved house this week, the house has 4 floors and is circa 150 years old, it’s safe to say that it needs a LOT of work….