Celebrity results

So I've watched the new LOGAN film, loved it!! 

Even though in this film Hugh Jackman is not the most shredded he has ever been, it still had me thinking as to how these celebrities always manage to get in such great shape.

Is it because they have a top-end knowledgeable celebrity personal trainer taking them step by step through their transformation?

Is it because they have the money to pay a chef to cook the most delicious foods that fit their macros?

Or maybe it's because they HAVE TO get in that shape?

I have no doubt that they all play a big part, but not all are affordable, the one thing that is always affordable is sheer will and determination and this is the one that will play the biggest part. 

You see many of these actors are far from in great shape when they accept these film roles, but they accept the role and accept that they need to get in amazing shape. They have many people counting on them to get in great shape and lots of money riding on it.

So how can you take inspiration from these actors?

Just tell yourself that you MUST get in great shape, NOT SHOULD, you MUST get in great shape. 

You see if you MUST do something you WILL do it! It is a MUST! 

Make yourself accountable by telling your closest friends what you are going to achieve, not what you want, but what you're going to achieve, post it on Facebook, you can even post it below this post. 

Not everybody wants to be absolutely shredded, but the same rules apply for if you want to just get in a good healthy shape.

Remember if you want to look like an athlete you need to train like one!

If you want to look like a monster you need to train like one! 

And if you want to simply look healthier, well you need to stop reading, stop scrolling through your Facebook adopt the press-up position and start this journey.


Try the quick full-body workout

Warm-up appropriately
Rowing  x 500M
Treadmill x 500m
Repeat both once (back to back)
60 seconds rest
Barbell bent-over row 15 reps x 3 (40 seconds rest)
60 seconds rest
Jump lunges x 14 reps (each leg)
Jumping jacks x 14 reps
Half sits x 14 reps
Mountain climbers x 14 reps (each leg)
Alt V-sits x 14 reps (each leg)
Burpees with a hand release press ups x 14 reps
Scissors kicks x 14 reps (each leg)
Do all these 7 exercise back to back with 20 seconds rest between each, 2 sets.

Calories in vs calories out

Calories in vs calories out

That's right! We are going back to basics!

But is it that simple?

I recently had a discussion with a gym member regarding this, they said people just need to eat less and move more.

If I'm honest, this is true for some people, but definitely not everyone, in fact most people I come across don't necessarily eat too much, they just eat the wrong foods.

One of my female clients for example is eating between 1580 to 1800 calories per day, when she started at her heaviest she was eating less than 1000 per day. She is eating more food than she's ever eaten and she's still losing body fat.

Now without going too nerdy, let's simplify things, firstly no two people are the same, some people have faster metabolisms and some people not so fast. For those of you who are not gifted with a fast metabolism do not worry! You can turn your body into a fat-burning machine with these three simple steps:

1- Eat foods to optimise your health and performance, not foods that simply satisfy your hunger.

2- Focus on developing lean muscle tissue inside the gym, not just on burning calories. Burning calories is easy, you're burning calories as you're reading this. 
The more muscle you have the more calories will be utilised to fuel that new muscle.

3- Enjoy it! 
Too many people set themselves unrealistic goals and then starve themselves whist performing the most soul destroying cardio workouts ever performed in a gym, and they wonder why they only lasted a month. Remember this is a long term lifestyle choice. Once you start your new programme ask yourself "can I stick to this for longer than a month?" If the answer is "no" you'll need to seriously rethink the programme.


Full body workout

Deadlift - 10 reps x 3 sets
Cable pull down - 10 reps x 3 sets
Walking lunges (double dip) - 10 reps out 10 reps back x 2 sets
Dips - 10 reps x 3 sets (press ups instead for beginners)
Pallof press with rotation - 10 reps (each side) x 2
V-sits - 10 reps x 2 sets
Deadbugs - 10 reps (each leg) x 2

45 seconds rest between each set.



This weeks full-body workout.

Make sure you warm up appropriately

  • Kettlebell swings - 10 reps x 4 sets

  • Feet elevated sumo squat - 12 reps x 3 sets

  • Bench assisted dumbbell row - 12 reps x 3 sets

  • Nordics - 12 reps x 3 sets (I apologies in advance for this one)

  • Incline dumbbell press - 12 reps x 3 sets

  • Single-arm cable pull-down - 15 reps x 3 sets

  • Burpees with a press-ups - 20 reps x 3 sets

  • Treadmill - 1000m (as fast as physically possible, do not hold back!!)

Okay, I'm not going to lie, this one is NOT easy, but remember that nothing worth having comes easy.